Low blood pressure..
19.11.11 ✖ 11:21 PM ✖ 0 comments
Ape itu tekanan darah rendah?
Your doctor can diagnose low blood pressure. Symptoms of dizziness and lightheadedness when you stand up don't necessarily mean that you low blood pressure, also called postural hypotension. A wide range of underlying conditions may cause your symptoms. It's important to identify the cause of lowblood pressure so appropriate treatment can be given.
The doctor will look at your medical history, age, specific symptoms, and the conditions under which the symptoms occurred. He or she may perform repeated evaluations of your blood pressure and pulse rate -- after you've been lying down for a few minutes and within a few minutes after you stand quietly.
Other tests may be performed, such as an ECG (electrocardiogram) to measureheart rate and rhythm problems and an echocardiogram (an ultrasound test to visualize the heart). You may also have blood tests to look for anemia or problems with your blood sugar levels. More sophisticated home ECG monitoring (a Holter monitor or "event" monitor) may be necessary to check for heart problems that occur intermittently.
An exercise stress test or -- less commonly -- an electrophysiology test (EP test) may also be helpful.
Serious forms of postural hypotension may require a test called a "tilt table" test. This test evaluates the body's reaction to position and changes in position. The person lies on a table, is safely strapped in, and the table is raised to an upright position for up to an hour. Blood pressure, heart rate, and symptoms are recorded. Often, medications are given to help guide treatment.
If you have an underlying medical problem that causes low blood pressure, seek treatment for the underlying condition. For many people, chronic low blood pressure can be effectively treated with diet and lifestyle changes.
Initially, your doctor may counsel you to increase your blood pressure by making these simple changes:
- Eat a diet higher in salt. *erk? kne mkn byk garam?
- Decrease your intake of caffeine. *hmmm..
- Drink lots of nonalcoholic fluids -- a minimum of eight glasses per day. Sports drinks that are high in sodium and potassium are recommended, especially during exercise or in hot weather.*agak2 air paip ok x?
- Drink more fluids during hot weather and while sick with a viral illness, such as a cold or the flu. *haacchhuummm!!!
- Have your doctor evaluate your prescription and over-the-counter medications to identify any that may be causing your symptoms.
- Get regular exercise to promote blood flow. *ari2 aku eksesais perr..
- Be careful when rising from lying down or sitting. To improve circulation, pump your feet and ankles a few times before standing up. Then proceed slowly. When getting out of bed, sit upright on the edge of the bed for a few minutes before standing. *klu aku terkejut cmner? xkn nk terkejut versi slowmo kot..
- Elevate the head of your bed at night by placing bricks or blocks under the head of bed. *huh?
- Avoid heavy lifting. *alaa..xboleh jd jaguh angkat berat la nie..
- Avoid straining while on the toilet. *errr..
- Avoid prolonged exposure to hot water, such as hot showers and spas. If you get dizzy, sit down. It may be helpful to keep a chair or stool in the shower in case you need to sit; to help prevent injury, use a nonslip chair or stool designed for use in showers and bath tubs.
- To avoid problems with low blood pressure and lessen episodes of dizziness after meals, try eating smaller, more frequent meals. Rest after eating. Avoid taking drugs to lower blood pressure before meals.If needed, use elastic support (compression) stockings that cover the calf and thigh. These may help restrict blood flow to the legs, thus keeping more blood in the upper body.
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San :
Stay kat Beseri. Kalau taktau Beseri tu kat mana, Beseri tu kat Paris. Sejuk wooo :p
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10 January 1993. Paling awal dalam famili :D
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Yoo Jaesuk! :D
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Thirteen :
Peramah ikut masa. Tapi lebih suka dengar orang bercerita. Taktau kenapa.
Fourteen :
Sometimes saya seperti angel, baik sentiasa. Tapi sometimes boleh bertukar menjadi devil! Jadi sila takut. Huahua :D
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Sekali orang buat baik dengan saya, 10 kali saya buat baik dengan dia
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Low blood pressure..
19.11.11 ✖ 11:21 PM ✖ 0 comments
Ape itu tekanan darah rendah?
Your doctor can diagnose low blood pressure. Symptoms of dizziness and lightheadedness when you stand up don't necessarily mean that you low blood pressure, also called postural hypotension. A wide range of underlying conditions may cause your symptoms. It's important to identify the cause of lowblood pressure so appropriate treatment can be given.
The doctor will look at your medical history, age, specific symptoms, and the conditions under which the symptoms occurred. He or she may perform repeated evaluations of your blood pressure and pulse rate -- after you've been lying down for a few minutes and within a few minutes after you stand quietly.
Other tests may be performed, such as an ECG (electrocardiogram) to measureheart rate and rhythm problems and an echocardiogram (an ultrasound test to visualize the heart). You may also have blood tests to look for anemia or problems with your blood sugar levels. More sophisticated home ECG monitoring (a Holter monitor or "event" monitor) may be necessary to check for heart problems that occur intermittently.
An exercise stress test or -- less commonly -- an electrophysiology test (EP test) may also be helpful.
Serious forms of postural hypotension may require a test called a "tilt table" test. This test evaluates the body's reaction to position and changes in position. The person lies on a table, is safely strapped in, and the table is raised to an upright position for up to an hour. Blood pressure, heart rate, and symptoms are recorded. Often, medications are given to help guide treatment.
If you have an underlying medical problem that causes low blood pressure, seek treatment for the underlying condition. For many people, chronic low blood pressure can be effectively treated with diet and lifestyle changes.
Initially, your doctor may counsel you to increase your blood pressure by making these simple changes:
- Eat a diet higher in salt. *erk? kne mkn byk garam?
- Decrease your intake of caffeine. *hmmm..
- Drink lots of nonalcoholic fluids -- a minimum of eight glasses per day. Sports drinks that are high in sodium and potassium are recommended, especially during exercise or in hot weather.*agak2 air paip ok x?
- Drink more fluids during hot weather and while sick with a viral illness, such as a cold or the flu. *haacchhuummm!!!
- Have your doctor evaluate your prescription and over-the-counter medications to identify any that may be causing your symptoms.
- Get regular exercise to promote blood flow. *ari2 aku eksesais perr..
- Be careful when rising from lying down or sitting. To improve circulation, pump your feet and ankles a few times before standing up. Then proceed slowly. When getting out of bed, sit upright on the edge of the bed for a few minutes before standing. *klu aku terkejut cmner? xkn nk terkejut versi slowmo kot..
- Elevate the head of your bed at night by placing bricks or blocks under the head of bed. *huh?
- Avoid heavy lifting. *alaa..xboleh jd jaguh angkat berat la nie..
- Avoid straining while on the toilet. *errr..
- Avoid prolonged exposure to hot water, such as hot showers and spas. If you get dizzy, sit down. It may be helpful to keep a chair or stool in the shower in case you need to sit; to help prevent injury, use a nonslip chair or stool designed for use in showers and bath tubs.
- To avoid problems with low blood pressure and lessen episodes of dizziness after meals, try eating smaller, more frequent meals. Rest after eating. Avoid taking drugs to lower blood pressure before meals.If needed, use elastic support (compression) stockings that cover the calf and thigh. These may help restrict blood flow to the legs, thus keeping more blood in the upper body.
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